





:: Klandicar Dead
:: Dr Twister? Mr Orange? WoW!
:: New Fear, Cazic Down, Fennin Ro First =)
:: FAQ section added
:: Joining info updated
Member Profile:
Ulicia Wintersoul
Dark Elf


Klandicar Dead
Grr my gay response 2 Orangy was too big and I want this on top as it's really more important to me. We dropped the bigbadmofo today. Dropped junk bp (cloudstorm) & legs (*shrug*), matchless arms (no clue), and his talisman (melchiord). We also obtained a first brood talisman (only 3rd in guild, gratz otismikfly d chubmaster himeself)
Screenshots are posted. Great work guys.

// Ikikgud @ 4:59 AM PST

Dr Twister? Mr Orange? WoW!
Okay this is really exciting and all so I'm staying up extra late just to post this. First Mr Orange, I'd like to thank you for the publicity and the extra hits we'll get. THANKS! Now I'd like to respond.

"With the massive influx of bought accounts comes more problems. Many people who purchase the accounts ( most owners wont tell thier guilds thier eBaying)seem to just plain ol' suck."

Most members actually do tell their guilds, and if they don't, it's pretty damn easy to tell. If you can't tell someone else took over a character, well, you're a moron.

". I have recieved many emails about this type of player. Buy an account $600-1000....."Hey bro, its me your PKT.." Sells borrowed items for PP then sells PP on ebay"

Definate proof of intelect of your readers.

"One such case is where a person,im told it was The origional Photek, on a loaner account,acted to be another guild leader of a LARGE guild, using a with a vowel variation in the name ( making IE a EI) and demanded access to a player account, Muppen( who the GMs offered to restore and still havent). The player, thinking it was his guild leader, did such and was subsequently ripped off . "

Another example of genius. If someone gets on and sends you a tell demanding you give them your account info, and you do it, you deserve what you get.

"Ok so i let Gwiz( purchased thru an email deal i found out, not to be confused with the origional) have access to my account and a friends he proceeds to rip off a TON of items in a day "

If it's true, tell the gm's they'll deal with it, if you don't there's gotta be a reason. Either #1, it's made up, or #2, you will get banned for giving out your account info in the first place. Ever read the EULA? Basically says, don't be stupid and give out your account info, you could get banned, and could get jacked, and it's your own damn fault.

"When i mention this he ignores me, when i brought this up to his guild they shrugged it off."

The only person to bring this up to me, or anyone, was Mr. Orange, who kindly threatened to use the power of his obsolete website against us. Thanks again for the publicity, MORE HITS! =)

"I wish they would try to be more like the guild there trying to out do, TMO, then acting like lame asses who could care less who thier guild mates rip off and screw in the name of friendship and DoA"

Who was trying to "out do TMO?" Personally I don't base anything DoA does around TMO.. Other than of course work out the large spawns so we don't have needless conflicts. But the basis of this guild was not to "out do" TMO, and I dunno wtf people keep comming up with that. Also, who's "screwing in the name of DoA?" I mean sometimes I screw girls in the name of alcohol or 2-pac, but never done it for the guild. Perhaps I'll try that sometime.

"Why are people like this tollerated ? I was told of a similar story from Vazalle, i go there and this guy, like Gwiz and many others are STILL in thier respective guilds and as rumored,still stealing from newer members who are stupid enough to trust them with account info."

Personaly I think gwiz is pretty cool. He's a funny ass guy, who cracks me up all the time. Sometimes he's a bit hard 2 shutup, but I'm usually laughing even when I can't shut him up. Hey I guess he's DoA's version of Terawl~. Perhaps you 2 could mate? Bring us more loudmouthed babies into this world! =) And I do not condone nor recommend anyone giving their account info away to anyone else. If you wanna give it to your real life buddy or brother, it's your choice.. Giving your info to someone you hardly know, your risk.. do if you really wanna, but I wouldn't.

"Stories like this that are repeated over and over lead me to belive ,that yes,the guilds are in on it as well or at the very least several higher up officers. Why else would such actions be tollerated ?"

YES, It's really a big plot. I lure members into the guild, then we get their acct info and jack them all and put it on ebay for our $$. This is a profession and now Mr. Orange has ruined it for us all by exposing this big conspericy. I guess all the guildleaders & officers are busted. May as well give in now. Keating, Lazaruz, all the rest of ya, we're busted, let's give Mr. Orange his propz.

"Who know... So remember fellow EQ players.....alwayes be on the lookout, and NEVER trust anyone with your account info and MAKE SURE if you do sell your account that key people in your circle of friends do know you sold, its only fair to them , as well as your guilds."

Finally a good point. 100% AGREED.

"To the players mentioned in this story ...i hope you cant ever play your server without being called thief and i do hope your guilds suffer the same rep until thier shunned or you have to resell ..because its people like you and they who have put a true barrier between freinds who can nolonger trust each other because of the likes of you."

Did you mean just Gwiz? Did you mention anyone else? Or perhaps the entire guild? Jes we are an ebil guild of theives out to get you Mr. Orange. YOU'RE IN OUR WORLD NOW!

// Ikikgud @ 4:57 AM PST


New Fear, Cazic Down, Fennin Ro First =)
Written By: Credulity
Well, it seems like there was another challenge posed by Everquest today that was overcome by the people of Fennin Ro, that challenge was the new Plane of Fear mobs.
As I arrived, we were just finishing clearing the random mobs after the Dracoliche was downed without a hitch. The new Draco is lvl58 and dropped a few good items (See below). Next came the three minis: Dread, Fright and Terror. Dread and Fright both dropped without much of a hitch, producing some old Cazic loot and a few epic pieces. Terror was next and seemed to be a little bit higher Vox clone, throwing out a few death-touches along with a powerful AoE ice spell. Wiping out a few of us, but we all still prevailed.

Finally after bascially destroying all the Amys in the zone (using AoE and pulling the entire tower at one time) we buffed and readied for the first attempt at Cazic since the revamp of Fear.

First attempt went a little awkward, with Cazic hitting quad 600s and rampaging, along with that disgusting knockback effect that threw us around the zone. I must have spent 50% of the fight running back to CT. Was a fairly decent pull, although we had him quite centered in the zone, producing the death of our tanks one by one until we failed at 45%.

After the rez and rebuff, we decided to give it another shot with a more refined strat (we didn't know what we were getting into with the first fight). At first, Balrok went in for the agro effect on himself, with all the other melees following. Nukes flew, blades swung and people got tossed around until we finally brought him down. Not to mention the killing blow by yours truely. Was a nasty fight, but next time we'll be a little more prepared for it I think.

Grats to all on their rewards for this fine evening, and many thanks to all Defenders of Ak`anon and Silvan Rangers for finally working together as a team to bring down this powerful foe. Hopefully there will be a new beginning for Fennin after this ;)

Draco Loot:
*Berserker Ring - Canable [SR]
*Grotesque Girdle - Unknown
*Zombie Flesh Bracer - Vargis [DoA]
Cazic Loot:
*Bile Etched Obsidian Choker - Talendor [SR]
*Pauldrons of Ferocity - Balrok [DoA]
*Vial of Veilum Vapors - Morgenn [DoA]

// Fruki Putz @ 11:51 PM PST

FAQ section added
Tonight I wrote up a very short little faq section. It's currently located at I'll talk to fruki about getting it linked off the main page asap. Also a quick note to everyone using the page. If you click on the logo up top, it will take you back to the main page from any section.

// Ikikgud @ 12:26 AM PST


Joining info updated
A few days ago I made some changes to the joining info section. Please if you're considering applying take a look at it, as some of the requirements have been upped, and a few things changed slightly.

// Ikikgud @ 10:46 PM PST

Ragefire - Grats Exogrim & Rayn (faydedar)
This morning we got ragefire (after a gay fight with SDC). Mucho gratz Exogrim on his new clicker. Also the day before we got faydedar for Exen. I'm not sure how it happened but exen decided to give the peice to rayn, very kind, and rayn got his epic finished. Another druid with his scimitar of silly leafs. Gratz to both of you!! Oh and ragefire also dropped a CoF (gratz tubolard & fay dropped bracer & bag (aneska & ishtor).

// Ikikgud @ 10:45 PM PST

Trakanon Dead
Trak pop Trak Dies congrats on phat lewtz Blood Ember BP Deepwater BP and 5 teeth. Congrats Fealan Deepwater bp, Foxxi Blood Ember bp. Orla, Exilled, Tyranid, Lilballer and Logoth on teeth.

Note by: Fruki

Just thought this was to funny not to post. For all of the peeps that would like to come with us to raids.. this is NOT the best way to ask.

// Stiff @ 1:24 AM PST


Another Velkator 3 more gay items!!
After a few trys at that fucker dorf dain, we went to velk lab, ripped him up as usual, and got 3 more gay ass items.. They really should give him better stuff imo. Anyway drops were, crown - finalzodiac, gloves - I forget who got them, and some mask 7ac 4str 9cold effect: heatsight (broken of course, i mean wtf would u put and effect on an item and actually make it work??) - sitting in my bag for no apparent reason i think awarded to dulcinea but she poofed. Anyway, after that we went out to ww, got a few nice things, let cargala & sontalak play with us some (WE GOT HIM TO 95% WOO). Hehe sontalak is a tuff mofo, wasn't really prepared for all the shit he did. Later today I think we're gonna hit up ToV and see how that goes, sounds like fun to me! =) BTW i'm tired as shit it's 6am.

// Ikikgud @ 6:09 AM PST


Late Night Trak Raid
Around 2am PST we got together and killed Trakanon, very easily I might add. I believe 7 deaths. Most where trak touches.. I dont think he poisoned anyone.. at least not the 15peeps I asked if they needed abolish poison. Nice Job guys.

// Fruki Putz @ 3:47 AM PST